Author Archives: Black Scorpion

New Previews.

You may have seen these previews from our virtual Salute we ran last week. We’ve [...]

Virtual Salute 2021.

Once again Salute has been moved due to the virus. Salute is estimated to go [...]

March New Releases!

We’ve just added the latest releases to the store! As you may have read we’ve [...]

February new releases and Moving discount!

We’re releasing our February releases slightly early. This is because we’re currently in the process [...]

New previews.

We’ve added previews of two upcoming releases. Men at Arms 1 and a Nobleman. Both [...]

January new releases!

Firstly a happy new year to everyone, we hope this year things start to return [...]

December news update!

Due to Christmas and new year we don’t have any releases this month, instead we’ll [...]

November News!

We have one new release this month, Undead Pirates 4 for our Cutlass range! The [...]

October new releases.

We have three new releases this month! Firstly the Imperial Captain for Breninmoor. A 32mm [...]